Friendly Suggestions: Natalie W
photos by Blaine Davis
From a sunny studio in East Williamsburg, self-taught ceramicist Natalie Weinberger handcrafts her own line of distinctive pottery—eye-catching vessels that combine understated elegance and clever design. For years, we've enjoyed countless large pours of hot beverages in a pair of her lovely and lightweight (yet totally substantial) mugs.
Her work is exactly the type we seek to celebrate here at Flotsam+Fork, so we're extremely excited that Natalie, a longtime friend and supporter of F+F, could take a little time to help us showcase some items from our selection and share a few of her favorite products in the shop... >>>
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My absolute favorite item in my kitchen—who knew one could fall in love with an olive oil can? It's form is so sleek and human-like, easy to clean, but most importantly a joy to use. The spout is so precise, it will never drip on your stove or countertop, a bragging point for all my friends who've been smart enough to get one for their own kitchen. >>>
Ceramic mugs are great, but everyone should own one version in light-weight enamel. Ideal for camping trips or for traveling to destinations where the coffee is sub-par, and you're better off making your own. >>>
I find sweeping to be a very relaxing chore, only to be enhanced by a beautiful dustpan with a super straight edge for maximum dust pickup. >>>
I'm very attracted to the inviting form of this wooden paring knife. >>>
One can never have enough simple twine on hand—for presents, leftovers, or repairs. This combo feels very utilitarian and honest in a way that's beautiful. >>>
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Shop Natalie's friendly suggestions >>>